How to Invest in and Buy Silver in NZ

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As a substance, silver shares many of the characteristics as gold historically used as money in the same way – however, unlike gold, which is not used industrially in any substantial way, silver is also an essential industrial material – it is the best electrical conductor of any of the elements for example. Thus silver is a commodity, and the price is therefore ultimately governed by the laws of supply and demand.

Silver is often called “the poor man’s gold”. In relation to its scarcity, silver is very cheap compared to gold. The gold market itself is small – the silver market is much smaller again, which means it has significant volatility, which we will talk about later. There is also a difference between physical market silver which is physically shifted around or stored and the paper market, which is roughly a hundred times bigger. Again, we will be discussing this later.

Most above ground gold is still around – it’s been there since it was mined. Silver on the other hand has been consumed – above ground stocks of silver are very limited – there are no Government stockpiles, as there once were. This is an important point – in actual fact, real silver is scarcer than real gold.

Under an inflationary scenario, the price of silver will increase significantly, along with the price of gold, as investors worldwide lose faith in their rapidly depreciating paper money.

Because Governments try to print their way out of any incipient deflation, if we really were to experience a deflationary environment, which several commentators believe is likely, because of the fantastic wealth destruction which has occurred, and is continuing to occur, then trillions more dollars will be created out of nothing – which will result eventually in hyperinflation.

At the present time, the paper market for silver and the physical market are disconnected. The paper market is manipulated – there is definite evidence out there that the banksters, are shorting the hell out of the paper silver market to force the price down at certain times, and hold it there. But we have strong upward pressure. On the other hand, the physical market is tight as a drum – lots of investment demand – silver eagles being cranked out at record volume – and just try to buy silver in New Zealand in any volume.

The worldwide supply of silver is dwindling; at current rates of usage we have less than a decade’s worth left.

If you think that it is impossible for the price of silver to reach hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per ounce, you might want to look at palladium, which is a precious metal that is also used industrially, which exploded in price from less than $100 per oz in 1992 to over $1000 per oz in 2000. Industrially, palladium and platinum are interchangeable. We can also look at the platinum chart.

So use the volatility to your advantage! Buy on the heavy pullback, which will certainly occur – possibly up to 50%.

To quote Robert Kiyosaki who is well known in New Zealand particularly for his real estate investing books “Silver is a smoking deal”.

Investing In Silver in NZ:

In terms of physical silver, the alternatives are basically ingots and coins. 99.9% purity is a minimum you should look for to make it considered as investment bullion, and therefore not subject to GST.

ETFs – these are stocks you can buy that track the price of silver in the paper market – many commentators are wary of these though, and suggest they be used only as trading vehicles. Caveat Emptor

There are silver mining companies to invest in directly and also companies that are royalty companies – they don’t actually mine silver, but cream off a percentage for every ounce mined.

Bill Flinn is one of the 3 founders of He writes the weekly column “Wild Bill’s Weekly Wanderings” where he summaries and comments on articles in the gold and silver world that he has found interesting for the week as well as sharing his own thoughts relating to the gold and silver markets both in NZ and globally.

Gold Survival Guide has a plethora of articles on investing in gold and silver with a particular focus on New Zealand, the home country of it’s founders. Gold Survival Guide also offers an avenue for people to buy gold in NZ at competitive prices, and also silver.

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